Laravel Developer Roadmap 2023:- This article will be discussing what we can expect from Laravel 9 in 2023 and how it will change the developer landscape in the coming years. This is a complete guide to Laravel, a framework for PHP developers. This guide will take you through all the basics of Laravel in order to help you create your own projects.
Laravel 9 Roadmap
The guide also includes useful tutorials and links to third-party resources that you can use according to what you need. PHP programming is an open-source, server-side scripting programming language designed for web development. Laravel is a framework that is written in PHP, and as such, it allows for rapid application development. Laravel has been downloaded 5 million times and has more than 3 million users. It is one of the best and most popular PHP frameworks today.
Q:- What is Laravel 9 Framework?
Ans. Laravel 9 is an open-source, free PHP web application framework. It is built with a focus on the end-user experience and offers many features out of the box. Laravel 9 is the latest version of this popular framework. Laravel is the perfect tool for creating a robust and sophisticated website. It's easy to use and offers rich functionality.
Q:- What is the latest version of Laravel?
Ans. The latest version of the Laravel framework is 9.1.0
Q:- What are available databases supported by Laravel?
Ans. Currently Laravel Support 4 Databases:-
- SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
Q:- How to install Laravel 9?
- via composer
- laravel alias
Install Laravel 9 Via Composer:-
composer create-project laravel/laravel:^9.0 ProjectName
Install Laravel 9 Via laravel alias:-
laravel new ProjectName
Q:- List some new features of laravel 9?
- Enum Class
- PHP 8 Support
- PHP 8 String Functions
- New Accessors And Mutatiors
- Eloquent ORM
- Artisan CLI
- Automatic Pagination
- Anonymous Stub Migration
- New Query Builder Interface
Q:- What are the default packages provided by Laravel 9 Framework?
- Laravel/breeze package
- Laravel/ui
- JetSteam
- Cashier
- Dusk
- Fortify
- Horizon
- Octane
- Passport
- Sail
- Sanctum
- Scout
- Socialite
- Telescope
- Horizon
- Valet
Step.1:- Basic Knowledge
- VueJs
- Tailwind
- Bootstrap
- Database
- JQuerry
- JavaScript
Step.2:- Basic of PHP Programming
- Why PHP for back-end development?
- How big is the demand for PHP?
- Why use PHP
- PHP Basic
- OOPs
- Traits
- Interface
- Class
- Error Handling
Step.3:- Basic of Laravel 9
- How to Install Laravel 9
- Laravel 9 Requirments
- Application Structure of Laravel 9
- Laravel Configuration
- Laravel Routing
- Laravel Middleware
- Laravel Blade Engine
- Laravel Namespaces
- Laravel Controllers
- Laravel Request
- Laravel Cookie
- Laravel Response
- Laravel Views
- Service Provider
- Service Container
Laravel 9, Laravel 9 New Features, What's New in Laravel 9, New Features of Laravel 9, Laravel 9 Release Date, What is Release Date of Laravel 9, Laravel 9 Full Tutorial, Laravel 9 Tutorial, Laravel 9 Installation, laravel 9 requirements, laravel 9 release date, laravel 9 download, laravel 9 tutorial, laravel 9 roadmaps, How to Installe Laravel 9, Why Laravel 9 is so popular, Complete Roadmap of Laravel 9 Framework, Laravel 9 Roadmap, Laravel Developer Roadmap, Laravel 9 Skills Roadmap, Laravel 9 Learning Roadmap.
Step.4:- Main Concept of Laravel 9
- MVC Pattern
- Laravel 9 Blade Templates
- Laravel 9 Redirections
- Working With Database in Laravel
- Errors & Logging Concept in Laravel 9
- Laravel 9 Accessors and Mutators
- Laravel 9 Forms
- Localization in Laravel 9
- Laravel Session
- Validation in Laravel 9
- File Uploading
- Laravel Ajax
- Error Handling in Laravel
- Event Handling in Laravel
- Laravel Facades
- Migration Database
- Jobless Concept in Laravel
- Model in Laravel
- Seeder and Factory in Laravel
Step.5:- Advance Concept of Laravel 9
- Laravel Contracts
- CSRF Protection in Laravel
- Laravel Authentication
- Laravel Authorization
- Artisan Console
- Encryption in Laravel
- Hashing in Laravel
- CRUD Operation
- Auth System
- Send Email
- Notification
- Database Notification
- Slack Notification
- Mobile Notification
- Real-Time Notification
- Email Notification
- Event & Listener in Laravel
- Advanced Eloquent and DB Operations in Laravel
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Step.6:- Laravel 9 Concept you should know
- Guest User Gates in Laravel
- Laravel Artisan Commands
- Payments and Cashier
- Laravel Scout Search and Algolia
- Automated Testing, TDD, and Dusk
- Package Development
- Laravel Pagination Customizations
- Dump Server
- Laravel Action URL
- Gates and Policies Concept in Laravel
- Third-Party API
- API in Laravel
- Laravel Design Pattern
In this article, we have discussed laravel 9 learning roadmap or Laravel 9 Skill Roadmap to becoming a full stack developer. How to become Laravel Full Stack Developer.
You should also check out, Django Developer Roadmap, Python Developer Roadmap, C++ Complete Roadmap, Machine Learning Complete Roadmap, Data Scientist Learning Roadmap, R Developer Roadmap, DevOps Learning Roadmap, and Laravel Developer Roadmap.
Thank you for reading this blog. I wish you the best in your journey to learning and mastering Laravel.
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ReplyDeleteif you are beginner and get Job TO read Full This Php Developer Roadmap 2023