Django is an open-source and high-level python-based free web framework that follows MVT( Model View Template) architecture. The Django framework is maintained by Django Software Foundation(DSF) a US-based organization. Django is one of the most popular web frameworks that is used for designing websites.
Q.1: Explain Django Framework?
Ans: Django is an open-source, free, and high-level web application framework that is written in Python programming. Django framework is maintained by a non-profit organization known as Django Software Foundation and the main goal of Django is to make web development easy and quick. With the help of Django, we can develop maintainable and secure websites easily and quickly. Django framework follows MVT( Model View Templates ) architecture.
Q.2: Explain Django Architecture?
Ans: Django follows MVT( Model View Template ) architecture which is based on MVC( Model View Controller ) architecture. The main difference between MVT and MVC architecture is that Django itself cares for the controller part. Django handles itself controller part so that it is different from MVC architecture.
MVT( Model View Template) architecture contains the following layers:
Model: The model describes the database schema and data structures. All database work is handled by models in Django like creating tables, creating fields, etc.
View: The view layer is a user interface that handles what a user sees on the web. The view retrieves data from the appropriate models and after that, it executes the data and it passes data to the template.
Template: The template layer is the collection of HTML files from where we handle how to show data to the users received from the view. In this layer, we do the formatting of data and show it on the web.
Controller: Controller is the heart of the system which handles requests and responses, loading and setting up a database connection.
Q.3: What is the difference between Django and Flask?
Ans: The main difference between Django and Flask are given below:
- Django built for large projects
- Django provides built-in templates, admin, and ORM
- Django does not support visual debugging
- Bootstrapping-tool is built-in in Django
- Flask built for small projects
- You need to install templates, admin, and ORM in Flask
- Flask supports visual debugging
- In a flask, Bootstrapping tool is not available
Q.4: What are the features of the Django framework?
Ans: The most prominent features of Django Frameworks are:
- Optimized for SEO
- Form handling
- Extremely fast
- Internationalization
- Object-relational mapping (ORM)
- Admin Interface (CRUD)
- Authentications, content administrations and RSS feeds
- Highly secure
- Versatility
- The session, role-based permissions, and user management
Q.5: What is Django ORM?
Ans: ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping, which is a programming technique to interact with the database in a more pythonic way. With the help of ORM, we can avoid writing raw queries and we can perform operations over the database without ever writing any SQL query. The advantage of using ORM is that it supports concurrency and cache management.
Q.6: What is Django Rest Framework(DRF)?
Ans: Django Rest Framework(DRF) is an open-source framework that is based on Django and DRF helps to create RESTful API rapidly.
Q.7: Which companies use Django?
Ans: There are many companies using Django but I am going to tell you some popular companies' names:
- Youtube
- Mozilla Firefox
Q.8: What are the Django drawbacks or disadvantages?
Ans: Django's disadvantages are:
- Django modules are bulky
- It is completely based on Django ORM
- Components are deployed together
- You will have to learn complete Django to work with it
Q.9: Is Django a content management system (CMS)?
Ans: No, Django is not a Content Management System(CMS). It is a web framework or a programming tool that helps you to design or build websites.
Q.10: What’s the use of Middleware in the Django framework?
Ans: In the Django framework when a request is made it moves through middlewares to view and data is also passed through middlewares as a response. Middleware act as a bridge between the request and response.
Four usages of Middleware in Django Framework are listed below:
- Content Gzipping
- Session management
- Use authentication
- cross-site request forgery protection
Q.11: Explain user authentication in the Django framework?
Ans: Django framework comes with a built-in user authentication system that handles objects like groups, users, and user permissions. Django's built-in user authentication not only authenticates the user but also authorizes him.
User Authentication Consists:
- Users
- Permissions
- Forms Validation
- Groups
- A pluggable backend system
- Password Hashing System
Q.12: What is CRUD?
Ans: CRUD acronym for Create, Read, Update and Delete. CRUD is a method used to remind developers how to construct useful models and fields when building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
Q.13: What is the difference between a project and an app in Django Framework?
Ans: Project is the entire Django application but the app is a module inside the project which deals with one specific use case. You need to create both the project and app in Django before starting your development. For eg, An eCommerce website is a Project, payment system is an app.
Q.14: What are the inheritance styles in Django Framework?
Ans: There are three inheritance styles in Django Framework:
1. Abstract base classes: This style is used when you want to inherit only a parent's class.
2. Multi-table Inheritance: Multi-table style is used if you are sub-classing an existing model and ned each model to have its own database table.
3. Proxy models: This style is used when you want to modify only the python behavior of the model without changing the model's fields.
Q.15: How you can set up a static file in Django Framework?
What is the Roadmap for Django Developer?
Ans: Hey guys, if you want to be a Django developer then you should know the Complete Roadmap for Django Developer. Basically, the roadmap clears How we can increment our Django skills because we learn the main topics of Django in the Roadmap. So to learn what is the Django Developer Roadmap then Read this article carefully: Django Developer Roadmap.
How to Install Django on windows?
Ans: Before going to an interview, you need to know properly how to install Django on Windows or Mac. To install Django on Windows, you can see this article How to Install Django on Windows. Read carefully this article and must practice once before going to an interview.
Do you know How to Install Python on Windows?
Before Installing Django on your window, you need to install python programming because it will help you to install Django through PIP. To know how to install Python programming on windows follow this article: How to Install Python on Windows.
How to Become a Python Developer?
Hey guys, if you want to be a python developer then you need to know the complete roadmap of python programming. It will help you to figure out what is the main concept in python programming and you can learn them. To know How to be a Python Developer or Complete a Roadmap for Python Developers then read this article: Python Developer Roadmap.
We have covered, Django's Most in Demand Interview Questions and Answers for freshers. You can prepare these questions for your interview, these are the basic interview questions and answers for every Django developer.
You should also check out, Django Developer Roadmap, Python Developer Roadmap, C++ Complete Roadmap, Machine Learning Complete Roadmap, Data Scientist Learning Roadmap, R Developer Roadmap, DevOps Learning Roadmap, and Laravel Developer Roadmap.
Thank you for reading this blog. I wish you the best in your journey to learning and mastering Django.
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