Django Developer Roadmap 2023[UPDATED] | Roadmap to Learn Django | Django Roadmap for Beginners - Codexashish

Django Developer Roadmap

Django is a free, open-source, and high-level python web framework that helps you to design websites and apps that enable rapid development of the secure and maintainable design.  It utilizes the principles of MVT(Model View Templates) design and its main aim is to make development easy and secure. 

As we know, Python is becoming more popular day by day, and Django has become a framework of choice for many Python Companies. Django enables users to focus on developing components that are needed for their app or website rather than focusing on already developed components.

    Features of Django:

    • Secure
    • Complete
    • Versatile
    • Scalable
    • Maintainable
    • Portable

    Applications of Django:

    • Building cross-platform applications
    • Scalable web applications
    • Applications with multiple user roles
    • Building cost-efficient MVP
    • Building Content Management Systems (CMS)
    • Building SaaS & Enterprise applications
    • Secure E-commerce applications
    • Financial platforms
    • Social networking and bookmarking sites

    Django MVT(Model View Templates) Design:

    Why Django Framework:

    • Built-in Features and Models: Django has already built-in features and models which means you connect your building blocks together rather than focusing to make it from the ground up.
    • Ridiculously fast: Django Framework was designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion as quickly as possible.
    • Fully loaded
    • Reassuringly secure
    • Exceedingly scalable
    • Incredibly versatile

    Complete Django Developer Roadmap

    Step.1 Basic of Django

    Introduction to Django

    Django Installation

    Python Installation

    Features of Django

    Applications of Django

    Why Django?

    Django vs Laravel

    Django Basic Commands

    Apache Configuration

    Virtual Environment Setup

    Read Also:

    Django Developer Roadmap
    Laravel 9 Developer Roadmap
    Laravel 9 Interview Questions and Answers 
    Advance Laravel Interview Questions and Answers
    Java Developer Roadmap

    Step.2 Introduction to Django

    Create First Project

    Create First App

    Django Admin Interface

    Django MVT Design pattern

    MVT vs MVC Design pattern

    Django Project URLs

    Django App URLs

    Django View

    Django Model

    Django Forms(

    Django Templates

    Step.3 Django Templates Concepts

    Django Variables

    Django Tags

    Django If Else

    Django For Loop

    Django Comment

    Django Cycle

    Django Extends

    Django Include

    Django Filter

    Step.4 Django Main Concepts

    Django URL Mapping


    Static Files Handling

    File Upload

    Image Handling

    Form Validation

    Step.5 Django Other Concepts

    Database Connectivity

    Database Migrations

    Django Middleware

    Request and Response

    Django Exceptions

    Django Session

    Django Cookie

    Step.6 Django Intermediate Concepts

    Django CSV Output

    Django Caching

    Django PDF Output

    Django and Bootstrap

    Admin Customization

    Deploy on Github

    Django Mail Setup

    Django Default CRUD

    CRUD Application

    • Add
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Update

    Django Redirects

    Django on_delete

    Django Class Based Generic Views

    Django UserCreationForm

    Step.7 Django Advanced Concepts

    Django ORM Queries

    Authentication in Django

    Django Form Widget


    Ruby on Rails vs. Django

    select_related and prefetch_related

    Logging in Django

    Django Custom User Model

    Django User Registration with Email Confirmation

    Web Hosting

    How to use Django Widget Tweaks

    Django Shortcuts

    AJAX with Django

    Django CMS

    How to connect MySQL to Django

    How to use F() Expression

    Django CMS vs Wordpress

    Django REST Framework

    Read Also:

    Top 5 Python Modules for Game Development
    10 Best Python Libraries for Machine Learning
    15+ Advanced Python Concepts 
    Django Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
    How to Install ReactJs on Windows

    Step.8 Django QuerySets Concepts

    QuerySet Introduction

    QuerySet API

    QuerySet Get

    QuerySet Filter

    Chaining filters

    QuerySet Order By

    QuerySet exclude(), reverse(), delete()

    Step.9 Django Security Concepts


    Cross-site scripting

    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    SQL injection

    Remote code execution

    Step.10 Django Beginner's Project Name

    Sending Emails with Python

    Create a Blog using Django

    To-Do App using Django

    Login & Logout System in Django

    Portfolio of Projects

    Django Chat App

    Contact Management System

    Weather App using Django

    E-commerce Website using Django

    Django CMS

    Text-to-HTML Converter

    Calorie Counter App

    Django Quiz App

    Python Resume Builder

    Railway Enquiry System


    In this article, we have discussed Django Developer Roadmap for Beginners. We have given Django Beginners level projects also. This article will help you to figure out what are the chapters or concepts in Django Framework.

    Do you have any queries related to This Article, Please mention them in the Comment Section of this Article, We will contact you soon.

    Thank you for reading this blog. I wish you the best in your journey in learning and mastering Django.

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    Thank you

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    Ashish Yadav

    Hi, I am Ashish Yadav, The founder of the website. I am a Data Analyst by profession and a Blogger, and YouTuber by choice and I love sharing my knowledge with needy people like You. I love coding and blogging.


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