15+ Advanced Python Concepts That You Must Know | Python Advanced Concepts in 2023- Codexashish

Python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language and getting more popular nowadays because of its dynamic nature, versatility, and ease to learn. Python is the second most preferred programming language after JavaScript and it can be used in any field like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, and Web Development.

In this article, we are going to see 15+ advanced python concepts that you must know if you are a python developer. If you want to learn python programming or you are a python developer then you must know these python advanced concepts. So let's start this article without wasting any time:

    1. lambda Function

    A lambda is a small anonymous function that can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression. A general python function is defined using the style of def function_name(), but with the lambda function, we don't give it a name. The Lambda function is very important because the purpose of this function is to perform some kind of simple and operational expression without the need for fully defining a function.

    The Syntax of Lambda Function:

    lambda arguments : expression

    2. Map Function

    Python programming has a built-in function called map() which returns a map object(which is an iterator) of the results after applying the given function to each item of a given iterable(tuple, list or dict, etc.). The map function is most importantly a readable way to perform such an operation.

    The syntax for Map Function:

    map(function, iterable)

    3. Filtering

    The filter is also a python built-in function which is quite similar to the Map function. The main difference between map() and filter() is that the filter function only returns the filtered elements as True from a given sequence. 

    The Syntax of Filter Function:

    filter(function, itertools)

    4. Generator

    A generator function is used to allow you to declare a function that behaves like an iterator and it also allows programmers to make an iterator in an easy and fast way. A generator is a special type of function in python programming which does not return a single value instead it returns an iterable generator object. In the generator, the function yield statement is used rather than the return statement. 

    5. Iterator

    Python iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values that produces a data value at a time using the __next__() method. In interator, the iter() function is used to get an iterator.

    6. Decorator

    Decorator is one of the most popular python metaprogramming concepts that is used to add additional functionality to an existing code without altering the original structure at compile time. There are two types of decorators in python programming- function and class decorator. Before any decorator function name @ comes and it indicates that we have used decorator in the function.

    7. Logging

    Logging means tracking events that happen when some software runs and it is very important for software developing, debugging, and running. Logging concepts are very important when we work with a logging system, suppose there is no logging record of your data and suddenly your system stops or is interrupted during its execution then we cannot find the actual cause of the problem. But with the help of logging, we can recover our data within a second. Developers use logging when they perform logging system activities.

    8. Closures

    As we know that loop can be nested, we can also nest a function which means we can define a function within a function. The closure is an inner function that is enclosed within the outer function and closure can access variables that are present in the outer function scope even after the outer function has completed its execution.

    9. Threading and Multiprocessing

    Both threading and multiprocessing are used to run multiple scripts at the same time. Threading is a technique where multiple threads run at the same time to execute different tasks and multiprocessing is also a technique in which multiple processes are used to run on different CPUs at the same time. Thread is lightweight and not interruptable but the process is heavyweight and interruptable.

    10. Collections

    In python programming, the collection is a built-in module that implements specialized container datatypes providing alternatives to python's general-purpose built-in containers such as list, dict, set, and tuple. There are so many libraries in python but the collection is a python library that is built to improve the functionality of the inbuilt container. 

    The most used data structure in the collection module are:

    • Counter
    • defaultdict
    • namedtuple
    • OrderedDict
    • deque

    11. Regular Expressions

    Regular Expressions are also known as “regex” or “regexp”, and it is used to match strings of text such as words, patterns of characters, or particular characters. Regular expressions are used to check if a string contains a specific pattern or not. It is one of the most popular features of python programming which contains specific characters as patterns. To use regular expressions, you will have to import the re module which contains all functions that help in pattern matching.

    12. Context Manager

    Context manager allows you to allocate and release resources when you want to or helps in resource management. Context managers are a great tool that prevents resource leakage and the system from either slowing down or crashing. with statement is one of the most used and recognized examples of context managers. with keyword is used to open and close files in python programming. 

    13. Exception Handling

    An exception is a condition that occurs during the program execution and interrupts the program execution. The exception is a kind of error that can be handled using exception handling. When you divide a number through 0 then, it will return a ZeroDivisionError and there are around 30+ built-in exceptions in python programming. We use to try, except, and final keyword in exception handling in python programming. try block contains the code which needs to be executed, if the try block fails to execute then except block executes but the final keyword always executes in the program.

    14. Assert

    The assert keyword is used to assert in the program. The assertion is simply a boolean expression that check if program conditions return True or False, if the assertion returns True then nothing happens and moves to the next line but if the assertion returns False then The program raises an AssertionError. Assert is also a debugging keyword that is used to debug any program.

    The Syntax of Assert:

    assert <condition>

    assert <condition>,<error message>

    15. Web scraping

    Web scraping is one of the processes of collecting and parsing raw data from any web or collection data from the web using an automated process known as web scraping. Suppose you want to download all images from any web then we can use web scraping for this work. There are so many pretty powerful web scraping tools available in python programming, you can use them for your work.


    We have discussed 15+ advanced python concepts that you must know. These concepts are very important to becoming a professional python developer.

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